Thursday, February 05, 2009


The Rhine Valley
Hagen (Clemen's dad) has his website up showing some of his recent artwork. In case you didn't know, Hagen is an art professor at BYU (he's retiring in June- so sign up for classes if you want a chance to learn from him!). He does amazing work in a variety of mediums. His recent work has been a compilation of working with drawings, color washes, organic lines and computer manipulation (thanks to his cohort Jared). This line is beautiful. The colors are intense and vibrant, each piece is unique. In our house we have 2 of his works on our walls, Thoughts on Rothko 2 and Denali Park 2. You won't find these on the website (lucky us!), but you can see Denali Park 1 along with many others.

From his statement: "...the visionist aims beyond nature—aims for the truth, virtue and beauty of a transcendent vision. This desire is not unknown in art. The eminent Michelangelo asserted that great art aims at a “perfection which is bound up in union with God”."
"Artists and lovers of art often forget that the spirit is not simply manifest in the form of spiritual themes and/or pious subjects. The spirit actually has a visual dimension, an acoustic dimension, etc., that transcend the temporary aesthetic phenomena of the world: “His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on the earth can white them” (Mark 9:2-13); “And they (74 individuals) saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness” (Exodus 24:10); Joseph Smith, who had a vision of the Celestial kingdom, used the words “transcendent beauty” to describe its glory (Doctrine & Covenants 137:2).
“All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure and can only be discerned by purer eyes” (Doctrine & Covenants 131:7)—revealing an authentic visual dimension that surpasses by far the qualities of physical matter seen by our physical eyes.
It is precisely here where the art of Modernism and Post-modernism failed and still fails miserably. Both movements of art never explored the visual world in its true depth and greatness. Being unwilling to pay the due price (humility, to bow low long enough) the Modernists and Post-modernists remain premature, spiritually blind, and miss the true foundation of and unavoidable precondition for the greatest art possible: celestial vision!
Human beings need a vision of that which is greater then they are—and need to grow peacefully and patiently into this ideal perfection. Dr. A.H. Maslow acknowledged the significance of “peak-experiences” of the “concrete instance,” when “the sacred can fuse with the profane, and one can transcend the universe of time and space while being of it.” Without this authentic vision they will continue to fight aggressively for dominance until the death of all.
God warned us thousands of years ago, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Thus we live in most dramatic times. One world sinks into total destruction and simultaneously another world rises through the collapsing fragments as fragments which rise and grow into wholeness."

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