Monday, October 12, 2009


Mr. Elias is 1 month old

Just try to tell me those aren't brown eyes.

Maja stomping leaves at the park!

She was so brave, she was climbing up steps and on the slides all by herself!


Molly said...

They are both so cute.

Christina said...

He is darling! I don't know why, but somehow I don't remember seeing any pictures of him before, which obviously means I'm not getting enough sleep. :)

Mumsy said...

He's changed in 2 weeks! Cheeks filling out. Expressive eyes. Yes, they DO look like brown eyes!

Orange Juice said...

oh how sweet.

A "cheery" disposition said...

they are so cute

Emily said...

Wow, so I'm SO behind, but congratulations on the new little one. He is so cute and you are soooo brave to do it at home with no epidural. I always knew you were tougher than me :) I'm glad all went well, though and I hope that the adjustment has gone well. You are amazing!