Thursday, April 30, 2009

Made it!

Clemens and his girls.

We made it to Utah! What a grueling trip, but 13 hours later, we made it in just 1/2 an hour before Clemens interview. It was my first time traveling strictly by moonlight (in case you decide to try to calculate it, the night IS longer than 13 hours, we also drove by daylight, twilight, dawn and morning light). By the time you read this Clemens is most likely sleeping in our bed in New Mexico. He had to go home very early this morning so that he can rest and make it to work tomorrow :( We miss him. It is so much harder to be away from him now.
Hopefully we will be well distracted by family this weekend.
SO... if you are in Utah and want to play, let me know!

Burklie and Maja

1 comment:

Anna said...

Cute, cute! They are both getting so big now. I'm sad that we'll miss you by just a couple of days!