Saturday, March 20, 2010

Good Morning Spring

Today is the first day of Spring. To celebrate, we went to the Farmers Market to buy eggs and grass-fed beef.

This is my green-house this year.

My old milk crates that served as my nightstand in college, got wrapped in saran wrap and filled with peat pots, cans and recycled pots to start veggies.

I had to plant my squash and cucumbers earlier than planned, if you can tell, they are getting a little nutrient deficient. (they are dying in the garden already!!?!?) We also planted 3 tomatoes.

Little M and Little E both love to be outside.

It isn't hot here, but the sun is always brutal.

Little E needed a hat to keep the sun from burning his cute little bald head.

Doesn't he look so much like his Daddy?

Little M, on the other hand is working on trading her ivory skin for bronze (and hopefully not red!)

I love these kids! XOXO


Erin said...

so fun! and yes, he does look like his daddy:). and maya, good luck with the not getting red:) so glad it will be getting warmer! yey, for spring!

Anna said...

cute pictures! so cliche, but I really can't believe how fast they are growing! I don't think I've seen Maja since she was a baby...this needs to change!